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All Posts By

Harrison Newman

Pricing Q&A News
October 10, 2018

Pricing Q&A

Q: I see your prices are more than some of your competitors in town, I thought Halo was supposed to be affordable? A: At Halo, we believe your detail should be completed the right way the first time. Our prices reflect typical averages our customers pay for a…
Changes in 2018 News
June 2, 2018

Changes in 2018

2018 is off to a hot start for us at Halo. As we grow, we are constantly pursuing the best methods and practices to serve you our customer. We want you to be informed and have the knowledge needed to make a wise purchasing decision. With that in…
Invest Locally EducationFood for thought
June 16, 2015

Invest Locally

Conscious Capitalism: Liberating the Heroic Spirit of Business states, “Together we create our future reality, so we should do so consciously, collaboratively, and responsibly." Since the day I moved here, I have been amazed at the growth Nashville is having as a city. With buildings being built left…
Why Waterless? EducationFood for thought
June 4, 2015

Why Waterless?

Would you be willing to pay for a service that gives your vehicle a superior cleaning all the while helping conserve our nation’s natural resources? If so, I encourage you to keep reading. Your average car-washing business with several automatic and self-serving stations can use anywhere from 35…